if you'd tried to tell me four years ago how wonderful being a mom would be, there's no way i would have been able to believe you. my mom used to always say, "you won't know love till you have one of your own." i couldn't comprehend that til i held rykon in my arms. in all honesty, until i had my own babies, i couldn't really even grasp how God could love me the way the Bible said He did. i will never be able to express my gratitude for the blessing of my children. my journey started w/the unexpected blessing of an amazing husband and continues now through two amazing children.
things have certainly changed in my life in a year. last mother's day, i was pregnant, tired, sick, and completely overwhelmed by financial stress. i was battling such oppression (a result of almost three years of absolute struggle). but then summer came, bringing w/it not only a new season of sunshine, but a new season of life. july brought to me my sweet baby girl and a new home. the past nine months have been some of the happiest of my life. i try so hard to live each day in little moments of gratitude. it's not always easy because satan is right there, whispering in my ear a reason to complain or feel sorry for myself. but when i get my sites back on the Lord and i take a long look at my life, i can easily pull myself together and remember who i am and what i've been given.
i love my children. i adore them. they are a constant gift to behold. each day they bring me knew memories, laughs, smiles, and tears. i could kiss their sweet, soft little faces for the rest of my life and never bore of it. i'm completely overwhelmed by the responsibility of it all yet completely grateful that God has entrusted these to precious gifts to me.
i don't think i could have this perspective if it wasn't for my mom's influence. she's always been a pillar of strength and wisdom for me. she's steady and unwavering. she's honest and kind. she is my best friend and my biggest fan. she has given me hope and strength to keep going at times when i didn't want to. she has been a provider, caretaker, teacher, mentor, and so much more. i love her w/all my heart and cherish every day i get to spend time with or talk with her.
so Sunday is mothers day in two ways for me. it's my opportunity to express my adoration and love for my mom, but it's also a time of worship and thanksgiving for the gift of motherhood.
i will never be the same and i'm so glad for that.