Thursday, January 9, 2014

I am.....

Today after doing some thinking, I decided to make a list of some of the things I AM. Usually I spend more energy and time on mentally listing all the things I'm not or that I fail at. I'm VERY hard on myself. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? I apologize too much, talk down to myself, over think conversations, second guess my reactions, over analyze, and fall prey to thinking I'll never be what I used to be. But the truth is, not everything I used to be was so great (except maybe my jean size). Over the past 11 years, marriage and becoming a parent have given me some great wisdom and have grown some characteristics in me I'd say I rather like.
These days,
I'm more thoughtful
I'm more caring
I enjoy serving others
I am more patient
I enjoy being home with my family
I know better what's really important
I know how to make a dang good lunch box
I am great at reading to children and I love it
I sing with more passion & authenticity
I know how to laugh at myself
I have improved my decorating skills
I have better hair
I know how to balance a budget
I know how to do quarterlies for an S-corp :O)
I am good at cleaning a house
I am more encouraging
I am better at conflict resolution
I can make yummy blueberry scones, chocolate chip cookies, & fish tacos
I know how to love more deeply
.....but most importantly, I love Jesus more today and I understand more just how important it is to live my life following hard after Him.
In 2014 I am going to spend more time verbally and physically putting positive energy back in to myself. I want to stop letting energy seep out of me in to things that have no eternal value or bring no negative energy back my way. I want to stop giving power to anyone over my life other than God and stop letting others determine my value.
More serving, more giving, more loving, more patience, more loyalty, and more of Jesus.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

time to upgrade?

When I think about upgrading, I think about my iphone, technology, maybe my car or my house, but I don't typically think about myself or my relationships. In a conversation the other night with my close friend Heather Rivera, she told me about something God had been speaking to her and her husband. She spoke about the need for upgrading; spiritually, relationally, & personally. It really stuck with me because I've never given that idea much thought in regards to those areas. She said when God allows trials in our lives, it may be because He knows it's time for us to upgrade in our relationship with Him or others. Time to take the next step and grow a little more. I think most of us would agree real growth happens when our ideals or foundations are stirred & shaken a bit,or maybe when our faith is tested, because these are the times we find out what we're made of. Maybe as we are figuring it out and our true colors are exposed for all to see, we realize it just might be time to grow and step forward. Forward in our faith & our character. It may be time to dump some of the worldly things we've held tightly for far too long.
So as I look forward to this year I was wondering how can I upgrade in my own life. MANY things came to mind. Some I was thinking of for others, some for myself, & so I thought I'd share, just in case you have been giving this some thought too. (A few of the things I took from an article I was reading and they are marked *.)
1. Give God the first few minutes of your day. Test Him in this and see how it impacts your daily life.
2. Get out of debt. YES, YOU CAN!! It's possible, you just need a plan, a budget, and some accountability.
3. Give up your ideals and make real goals that are achievable on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. Every author I know who talks about success says goals MUST be written down. so give it a try. start with a week and then go from there.
4. dream and let it guide you to new possibilities for your life.
5. try writing letters to people. tell them how much you appreciate them. write thank you notes. have more face to face contact. Connect.
*6. cut bad people out of your life. these are the people that are always taking from you, whether emotionally or physically. you deserve reciprocity. every person around you is someone that you chose to keep around in your life, and it will always be your decision to keep them away.
*7. stop caring about what other people think.
      "your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. don't be trapped by dogma - which is living witht the results of other people's thinking. don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow already know what you truly want to become. everything else is secondary." steve jobs
8. look to bless someone every day either in word or deed. it doesn't take that much to give a little, but it will reap in huge ways in your life.
*9. stay off your phone in the company of others. if you can't appreciate the time you are spending with that person, re-evaluate if that person is even worth your time
10. try 5 new foods. our pallet changes over time and you may find that you suddenly like asparagus (like me:)

Remember that we are all on a road that's leading somewhere. If you do not know your destination, how will you know you're going the right way? Figure out what you're moving toward so that you're free to embrace what really matters, the journey itself (the success journey).

new perspective

If you’ve ever been betrayed by, gossiped about, or bullied by another woman or friend, then I think you’ll easily relate with what I wan...