this picture may not look like a master piece to anyone, but it does to me. considering what my daughter's pictures looked like only a year ago, this is a HUGE improvement. half of the things she drew or painted in school a year ago we couldn't really identify. i'm inspired and proud of the progress she's made in only one year. her progress really is relative though. see, to me as her mother, i know where she came from. i've seen the work she's put in. i've been able to be there every step to see the transformation. so even though to an outsider it may not seem like much, or they may even think, "that's not that great for a 5 year old," they don't have the advantage of my perspective. i would defend her to the death to anyone who'd say otherwise because i know her and i know her journey.
i think it's really similar to our own lives. we are all on different journeys and different maturities in our relationship with Jesus. how many times have you felt judged in a season you had been feeling proud of just to have survived. then one person can come along and make you doubt. because they are judging you by how they see you in your present circumstances, not by where you've come from. BUT not Jesus. He has walked every step with you in your journey. He knows exactly how far you've come from last year, last month, and even yesterday. He knows the pain you've endured to get here. and in fact, He DID die to defend that truth in your life. His sacrifice said you're worth it. He believes in the you he created you to be, not the you the enemy tells you or the world keeps trying to see you as. He knows your potential and your present position. He's seen your growth and the countless hours of prayer. He's given you strength through the struggle, perseverance through the pain, and break through in the battle. so even though others may not be able to grasp the gain you've made, you can have confidence that your Father does and He, as your creator, believes in you. HE IS FOR YOU!