a thought came to mind the other day about how to do this. do you think "acting" sold out for God would help you to get there emotionally? to rise to the call God's put before us? it seems to work that way in so many other areas of my life.
if i praise God in spite of sorrow my heart will eventually follow.
if i forgive someone who's hurt me, my emotions will begin to align.
when i choose to have faith in a circumstance that seems impossible, i begin to believe.
i've always been a firm believer in the idea that if you act first, you're heart will follow. this theme reoccurs time and time again in scripture AND typically, it's a step of faith that God requires before he'll move in your life.
so i've been challenging myself to do this. to strive for holiness, even if it's not the thing i desire in the moment, because i believe that my emotions and heart will align eventually. it will at some point transition from an occasional desire, to a full time passion in my life.
there's no shortage of scriptures that reinforces the call to holiness.
1 peter 1:15-16 says we are to be holy in ALL our conduct because God is holy.
romans 12:1-2 says we are to present our bodies as holy, to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed.
in ephesians chapters 4 & 5 paul calls us to equip ourselves, to not be tossed to and fro by trickery and deceitfulness, to renew the spirit of our mind, put on the new man in true righteousness and holiness, to let no corrupt word proceed out of our mouth, to have no fellowship w/darkness, and to not even SPEAK of those things which are done by them in secret.
i could go on.
the point is there's never a better time than now. what's more important? the movie you want to see? the place you want to go? the song you want to listen to? all for the sake of entertainment? or being able to one day stand blameless before God? honestly, i don't think many of us care much about that most days. i think we've distanced ourselves from the holiness of God so much that we don't really think much about it and even if we did, the conviction would last but a moment until we stepped back into our normal routines. then we'd be off again, swept away by the cares of this world. it's sad really. it's disappointing. but mostly, it's just plain sinful.
i hope that this year can be the year we take our inheritance seriously. where we can look god in the eye shamelessly. that we can take hold of all that God has for us and no longer take his name in vain, but really live for righteousness. i challenge you to let this year be your best yet. no matter what comes your way, rise to the occasion and be holy as He is holy.
1 comment:
Awesome post, Steph.
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